Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp5g13410.1 not classified BBX28 0.7331961515724164 63 Mp3g18090.1 component *(ORC3) of origin recognition complex 0.7171974968505064 63 Mp6g10230.1 not classified NPL41 0.7128331654205545 81 Mp3g22100.1 not classified 0.7092838948791648 54 Mp6g09770.1 not classified 0.6828322073514189 18 Mp4g08740.1 not classified 0.6510995321141697 59 Mp7g13530.1 Kleisin-like bridging component *(NSE4) of homologous recombination repair Smc5-Smc6 complex Nse4A 0.6476302539535862 87 Mp6g10940.1 solute transporter *(MTCC) BEL1 0.6400538681648226 73