Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp2g26130.1 not classified 0.49474197158657174 17 Mp3g22020.1 not classified mTERF9 0.48256995390689594 13 Mp2g18240.1 component *(uL15m) of large mitoribosomal-subunit proteome ELF7 0.46956709551066134 9 Mp5g15590.1 not classified STUbL1 0.4396499168719076 14 Mp7g11690.1 not classified 0.4394986136276405 70 Mp6g16180.1 not classified 0.42244591356625594 28 Mp5g09300.1 not classified ATBIOF, BIOF, BIO4 0.40874762858541963 11 MpVg01040.1 atgsl7, gsl07, ATGSL07, GSL07, GSL7, CalS7 0.40445711009397417 13 Mp2g05120.1 EC_2.7 transferase transferring phosphorus-containing group 0.3635710767012226 24 Mp1g08880.1 not classified 0.35367954204173657 13 Mp1g16380.1 not classified MAGL16 0.3295650405646867 18 Mp3g03580.1 not classified AtFH14, AFH14 0.2945969140977839 92 Mp4g19480.1 regulatory subunit beta of SNF1-related SnRK1 kinase complex. regulatory subunit beta of SnRK1 kinase complex ZIN 1 0.2881272942221292 64 Mp8g16860.1 not classified MEE20 0.24873638146524854 91