Sequence Description Alias PCC hrr Mp4g04670.1 assembly factor involved in ITS1 rRNA removal *(BRIX1) atBRX1-1 0.9682717533016824 3 Mp7g18590.1 not classified RH29 0.966521415014708 3 Mp1g07840.1 component *(ARRS1) of ARPF2-ARRS1 complex ARRS1 0.9616047335009023 4 Mp4g17130.1 not classified 0.9579002337859387 4 Mp4g01500.1 component *(ARPF2) of ARPF2-ARRS1 complex RPS10B 0.9563883641117946 5 Mp2g26050.1 component *(BOP1) of ribosome PES-BOP1-WDR12 (PeBoW) complex AtPEIP1, BOP1, AtPEP1 0.9522641354036507 6 Mp3g24090.1 phragmoplastin-interacting factor *(PHIP1) PHIP1 0.9372532825235791 11 Mp8g10290.1 not classified 0.9359507498667674 9 Mp8g03800.1 SSU processome assembly factor *(RRP9/YAO1) 0.9353365924275914 16 Mp7g06450.1 TruA-type tRNA pseudouridine synthase. TruA-type tRNA pseudouridine synthase. EC_5.4 intramolecular transferase 0.9323049254683794 10 Mp4g11890.1 EC_2.1 transferase transferring one-carbon group. tRNA guanine-methyltransferase *(TRM10) TRM10, AtTRM10 0.932100035472192 11 Mp7g17180.1 SSU processome assembly factor *(UTP18) APC1 0.9319663163088777 26 Mp7g09630.1 not classified 0.9312249190342108 15 Mp1g23860.1 component *(NOC2) of ribosomal-subunit proteome nuclear export complexes 0.9291478713613213 14 Mp8g14130.1 not classified 0.9287015669883794 15 Mp4g19210.1 not classified CMAL 0.9261177018400871 16 Mp3g03210.1 component *(WDR12) of ribosome PES-BOP1-WDR12 (PeBoW) complex atPEIP2, AtPEP2 0.9233824171892252 18 Mp6g01600.1 not classified 0.9231743627664686 19 Mp5g10140.1 SSU processome assembly factor *(ENP1) atENP1, ENP1 0.9214582667624398 30 Mp8g14120.1 non-core component *(NAF1) of H/ACA snoRNP RNA pseudouridylation complex NAF1, ATNAF1 0.9213258224083559 20 Mp8g17210.1 regulatory GTPase (NUG1/NSN1) of LSU processome NSN1 0.9205020122849337 40 Mp4g18120.1 regulatory protein *(THAL) of rRNA transcription control 0.9161096997117527 44 Mp7g12890.1 regulatory RNA helicase *(RH27/RH51) of miRNA biogenesis pathway 0.9155352167771746 23 Mp1g24170.1 not classified 0.9155318992014523 32 Mp4g23300.1 rRNA guanosine methyltransferase *(RID2/Bud23/WBSCR22) RID2 0.9144003537332188 25 Mp8g07460.1 SSU processome assembly factor *(UTP2/NOP14) AIPP3, RVR1, BDT1 0.9139794119017808 26 Mp4g21330.1 not classified 0.9129790914421007 27 Mp7g05830.1 EC_4.2 carbon-oxygen lyase. AP-endonuclease *(ARP) ARP 0.9120226931447042 28 Mp6g08990.1 pre-40S ribosomal subunit assembly factor *(UTP22) 0.9102915092121889 29 Mp8g11870.1 MYB class-R2R3 subgroup-21 transcription factor LOF1, AtMYB117, MYB117 0.9021906353266818 30 Mp6g12550.1 helicase component *(RVB). helicase component *(RVB) of chromatin remodeling complex ISE4 0.9013691649430583 31 Mp2g12880.1 methyltransferase component *(Nop1/fibrillarin) of snoRNP rRNA methylation complex ATFIB1, FBR1, FIB1, SKIP7, ATFBR1 0.9007426939507525 72 Mp2g04740.1 SSU processome assembly factor *(IMP4) IMP4 0.8995027666114493 51 Mp5g05000.1 SSU processome assembly factor *(UTP4/PCN) PCN 0.898779721015709 36 Mp7g09900.1 pre-40S ribosomal subunit assembly factor *(RID3) 0.8950282353125113 44 Mp5g11110.1 protease *(Deg) DegP10, DEG10 0.8945714838959977 53 Mp8g15770.1 pre-40S ribosomal-subunit proteome nuclear export factor *(Ltv1) 0.891168901517066 45 Mp5g17920.1 RIO atypical protein kinase 0.8910683544980514 38 Mp1g08450.1 not classified GAUT11 0.889974622859747 39 Mp5g18010.1 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase *(FKBP43/53) ATFKBP53, FKBP53 0.8896834685939812 40 Mp8g10140.1 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase *(CYP71). EC_5.2 cis-trans-isomerase CYP71, AtCYP71 0.8882600156563945 80 Mp6g06030.1 pre-60S ribosomal subunit assembly factor *(SSF1) PPAN, SNAIL1 0.8874183605656826 42 Mp7g13330.1 component *(SF3B3) of splicing factor 3B complex SAP130b, AtSAP130b 0.8845511398215659 58 Mp8g08350.1 not classified CSLC8, CSLC08, ATCSLC8, ATCSLC08 0.8842404663160369 44 Mp2g15900.1 LSU processome assembly factor *(NLE) NLE, AtNLE 0.8839315593316044 73 Mp6g15590.1 not classified 0.8835670975113291 46 Mp8g00320.1 SSU processome assembly factor *(MPP10) 0.882611090828696 47 Mp4g14470.1 component *(CstF64/Rna15) of Cleavage Stimulatory Factor (CstF) complex. component *(ESP1) of Cleavage Stimulatory Factor (CstF) complex CSTF64 0.8822519929301229 48 Mp2g02700.1 not classified SETH5, VPS8 0.8821688993798841 49 Mp5g20260.1 not classified 0.8809745364485386 51 Mp1g27400.1 component *(IMP1) of IMP inner mitochondrial membrane signal peptidase heterodimer LUC7B 0.8750462085055204 52 Mp1g27560.1 not classified 0.8747370705719135 53 Mp6g07700.1 component *(NRPA1) of RNA polymerase I complex NRPA1 0.8739303242602003 54 Mp3g04220.1 not classified 0.8728401657878679 55 Mp6g16880.1 chaperone *(Hsp60) HSP60, HSP60-3B 0.8697413999212251 56 Mp2g23840.1 scaffold component *(Nop56) of snoRNP rRNA methylation complex NOP56 0.8695693971449733 63 Mp1g25520.1 not classified 0.8677850266104424 59 Mp7g12400.1 EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase). A1-class (Pepsin) protease ASPG1 0.8674027963425149 60 Mp7g12410.1 EC_3.4 hydrolase acting on peptide bond (peptidase). A1-class (Pepsin) protease ASPG1 0.8674027963425149 61 Mp8g05980.1 not classified 0.8664985998106909 62 Mp1g18320.1 not classified 0.8640379068491779 63 Mp5g16050.1 not classified NAKR3, AtHMP30 0.8573034799611179 67 Mp5g00060.1 not classified 0.8569959416646172 68 Mp2g07950.1 transposon-derived factor HDP1 0.8562390860709991 69 Mp1g16990.1 component *(NOC1) of ribosomal-subunit proteome nuclear export complex EDA25, SWA2 0.855516684941215 71 Mp3g10750.1 component *(AIPP1) of ASI1-AIPP1-EDM2 chromatin silencing regulator complex XCT 0.8554962282399726 72 Mp2g20920.1 not classified 0.8554279843343514 73 Mp6g10920.1 component *(AUG5) of Augmin gamma-TuRC recruiting complex AUG5 0.8552431832878458 74 Mp2g16460.1 regulatory GTPase (NUG2) of LSU processome Nug2, AtNug2 0.8537248370716962 75 Mp3g00320.1 RNA endonuclease *(FCF1) 0.8536727973912829 76 Mp6g18180.1 DNA methyltransferase *(MET) MET2, MET1, DDM2, DMT01, DMT1, METI 0.8520811396815594 78 Mp1g07660.1 component *(RRP4) of exosome EXO9 core complex SOP2, RRP4, ATRRP4 0.851333205255294 79 Mp3g21620.1 not classified 0.8489404608543362 81 Mp1g07210.1 not classified CYP716A1 0.8477463135900603 82 Mp2g03720.1 not classified ATORC1A, ORC1A 0.84645817939103 83 Mp3g10980.1 not classified 0.846299793916688 84 Mp5g23080.1 SETD-type lysine N-methyltransferase 0.8461566666456999 85 Mp7g14560.1 not classified ATMGT10, MGT10, GMN10, MRS2-11 0.8448419252280436 86 Mp1g14310.1 anion channel / anion:proton antiporter *(CLC) CLC-F, ATCLC-F, CLCF 0.8434527871821427 88 Mp4g09960.1 pre-60S ribosomal subunit assembly factor *(RPF1) MEE49 0.8417006602859813 89 Mp2g07900.1 not classified PLT4, BBM 0.8402164241511619 91 Mp8g10270.1 component *(GAA1) of GPI transamidase complex 0.837825690174521 93 Mp7g13580.1 pre-60S ribosomal subunit assembly factor *(NOP4) 0.8371010905975004 94 Mp1g25620.1 regulatory subunit beta of SnRK1 kinase complex. regulatory subunit beta of SNF1-related SnRK1 kinase complex KINbeta1, AKINBETA1 0.8362204179491914 96 Mp3g15030.1 ATPase component *(CHR11/CHR17) of ISWI chromatin remodeling complexes CHR17 0.8345079229220593 97 Mp1g25580.1 not classified 0.8337979809334479 99 Mp1g07870.1 mRNA chaperone *(RLSB/BSF) DAZ3 0.8321718675176982 100